OpenCities Map Help

Oracle for OpenCities Map Requirements

Refer to Supported Spatial Databases

For an Oracle table to be recognized as a feature, the following criteria must also be met:

  • The feature table must have a primary key constraint consisting of a single numeric or string/character column to represent the feature ID. This primary key is required to enable versioning using the standard versioning system of the Oracle Workspace Manager.

  • The table must have a geometric (SDO_GEOMETRY) column specifying the feature geometry, and this geometry column must be registered in the Oracle spatial metadata table (ALL_SDO_GEOM_METADATA or the related USER_SDO_GEOM_METADATA view for the user).

  • The table fields must be of a common type, not a user defined type.

  • Geometry type support is restricted to point, multi point, curve, multi curve, polygon and multi polygon types. A table cannot have multiple geometry types.

    To determine if a table contains more than one geometry type, use the following query:

t.<geometry column>.SDO_GTYPE, 
FROM<table name>t 
GROUP BY t<geometry column>.SDO_GTYPE;

GTYPE = 2001 = Points

GTYPE = 2002 = Lines

GTYPE = 2003 = Polygons

GTYPE = 2005 = Multipoints

GTYPE = 2006 = Multilines

GTYPE = 2007 = Multipolygons